Bedford Restaurants & Eateries

Bedford Information

Bedford was founded in 1854 on a portion of the farm Maastroom which was the property of the Lieutenant Governor of the Cape, Sir Andries Stockenström who named the town after his friend the Duke of Bedford. The town is situated at the foot of the well forested Kaga Mountain It is in the centre of a pastoral farming and Game Hunting area.

Bedford Map

de Kleine Maastrom
The Tafel Osteria is a place to linger over fine wine with innovative Mediterranean-style food, all conducive to much talk and laughter.
de Kleine Maastrom Bedford Restaurants & Eateries
Phone: 046 685 1376 Email
de Kleine Maastrom Bedford Restaurants & Eateries
The Tafel Osteria is a place to linger over fine wine with innovative Mediterranean-style food, all conducive to much talk and laughter.
de Kleine Maastrom Bedford Restaurants & Eateries in Bedford
Phone: 046 685 1376 Email
Cape Coast Accommodation

Cape coastal accommodation with West2Wild Coast


bedford restaurants & eateries

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