Willowmore Activities

Willowmore Information

Even though Willowmore is considered as the western gateway to the Baviaanskloof it is a worthwhile destination in its own right, offering the visitor numerous places of interest and exceptionally friendly people.

Add to this a crime free, safe and secure environment, a pleasant winter climate and you have found the ideal winter holiday destination.

Willowmore Map

The Baviaanskloof Heartland 6-Day Hiking Experience
The Baviaanskloof Heartland 6-Day Hiking Experience Willowmore Activities
This unique 6 day hiking trail traversing 12km per day is situated in the Baviaanskloof Hartland, a unique and isolated place captured between the Baviaanskloof and the Kouga mountains. The hike takes you on the main road over private land and into...
The Baviaanskloof Heartland 6-Day Hiking Experience Willowmore Activities
Phone: 044 934 1012 Email
The Baviaanskloof Heartland 6-Day Hiking Experience Baviaanskloof Activities
The Baviaanskloof Heartland 6-Day Hiking Experience Willowmore Activities
This unique 6 day hiking trail traversing 12km per day is situated in the Baviaanskloof Hartland, a unique and isolated place captured between the Baviaanskloof and the Kouga mountains. The hike takes you on the main road over private land and into...
The Baviaanskloof Heartland 6-Day Hiking Experience Willowmore Activities in Willowmore
Phone: 044 934 1012 Email
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